Compute the emobase openSMILE feature set
This function applies the emobase openSMILE (Eyben et al. 2010) configuration to compute 988 acoustic features reasoned to be part of perception of emotion.
- listOfFiles
The full path to the sound file.
- beginTime
The starting time of the section of the sound files that should be analysed.
- endTime
The end time of the section of the sound files that should be analysed.
- explicitExt
The file extension of the slice file where the results should be stored.
Eyben F, Wöllmer M, Schuller B (2010). Opensmile: the munich versatile and fast open-source audio feature extractor, the international conference. ACM. ISBN 978-1-60558-933-6, doi:10.1145/1873951.1874246 ,