Formant estimation (From the 'wrassp' package)
forest function adapted from libassp
listOfFiles = NULL,
optLogFilePath = NULL,
beginTime = 0,
endTime = 0,
windowShift = 5,
windowSize = 20,
effectiveLength = TRUE,
nominalF1 = 500,
gender = "m",
estimate = FALSE,
order = 0,
incrOrder = 0,
numFormants = 4,
window = "BLACKMAN",
preemphasis = -0.8,
toFile = TRUE,
explicitExt = NULL,
outputDirectory = NULL,
forceToLog = useWrasspLogger,
verbose = TRUE
- listOfFiles
vector of file paths to be processed by function
- optLogFilePath
path to option log file
- beginTime
= <time>: set begin of analysis interval to <time> seconds (default = 0: begin of data)
- endTime
= <time>: set end of analysis interval to <time> seconds (default = 0: end of data)
- windowShift
= <dur>: set analysis window shift to <dur> ms (default: 5.0)
- windowSize
= <dur>: set analysis window size to <dur> ms (default: 30.0)
- effectiveLength
make window size effective rather than exact
- nominalF1
= <freq>: set nominal F1 frequency to <freq> Hz (default: 500.0 Hz)
- gender
= <code>: set gender specific parameters where <code> = f[emale], m[ale] or u[nknown] (when <code>=f: eff. window length = 12.5 ms nominal F1 = 560.0 Hz)
- estimate
insert rough frequency estimates of missing formants (default: frequency set to zero)
- order
decrease default order by 2 (one resonance less)
- incrOrder
increase default order by 2 (one resonance more)
- numFormants
= <num>: set number of formants to <num> (default: 4; maximum: 8 or half the LP order)
- window
= <type>: set analysis window function to <type> (default: BLACKMAN)
- preemphasis
= <val>: set pre-emphasis factor to <val> (-1 <= val <= 0) (default: dependent on sample rate and nominal F1)
- toFile
write results to file (default extension is .fms)
- explicitExt
set if you wish to override the default extension
- outputDirectory
directory in which output files are stored. Defaults to NULL, i.e. the directory of the input files
- forceToLog
is set by the global package variable useWrasspLogger. This is set to FALSE by default and should be set to TRUE is logging is desired.
- verbose
display infos & show progress bar
Formant estimation of the signal(s) in <listOfFiles>. Raw resonance frequency and bandwidth values are obtained by root-solving of the Linear Prediction polynomial from the autocorrelation method and the Split-Levinson-Algorithm (SLA). Resonances are then classified as formants using the so-called Pisarenko frequencies (by-product of the SLA) and a formant frequency range table derived from the nominal F1 frequency. The latter may have to be increased by about 12% for female voices (see NominalF1 and Gender options). Formant estimates will be written to a file with the base name of the input file and extension '.fms'. Default output is in SSFF binary format (tracks 'fm' and 'bw')